
As China is not a member country of “United Nations Convention on Road Traffic (1968)” currently, therefore a foreign country D/L is not valid in Mainland China for the time being. In another word, as a foreigner, you have to get a local Driving License if you want to drive in Mainland China. According to related laws and regulations, who holds a driving license of foreign country, the Road and Transportation Ministry will provide the opportunity to test in various levels to issue local D/L to those who passes all tests.


Must Know
  • 辦理條件Conditions
  • 持有境外機動車駕駛證,符合規(guī)定的申請條件,需要申請對應(yīng)準(zhǔn)駕車型的機動車駕駛證的(在暫住地申領(lǐng)機動車駕駛證的,可以申請的準(zhǔn)駕車型為小型汽車、小型自動擋汽車、低速載貨汽車、三輪汽車的機動車駕駛證)。
  • Foreign Driving License holder, meets the requirement of the traffic laws, could apply for the Passenger Cars (Manual/Auto gear), Van, bus, truck, and three-wheel truck at Traffic Department of their residence.
  • 年齡條件Age Requirement
  • 1、申請小型汽車、小型自動擋汽車、輕便摩托車準(zhǔn)駕車型的,在18周歲以上,70周歲以下; 2、申請低速載貨汽車、三輪汽車、普通三輪摩托車、普通二輪摩托車或者輪式自行機械車準(zhǔn)駕車型的,在18周歲以上,60周歲以下 ; 3、申請城市公交車、中型客車、大型貨車、無軌電車或者有軌電車準(zhǔn)駕車型的,在21周歲以上,50周歲以下; 4、申請牽引車準(zhǔn)駕車型的,在24周歲以上,50周歲以下; 5、申請大型客車準(zhǔn)駕車型的,在26周歲以上,50周歲以下。
  • 1、Passenger car (auto gear), low-duty motorcycle: between 18-70 years old; 2、Van, three-wheel truck, and three-wheel motorcycle, motorcycles or ordinary two-wheel: between 18-60 years old; 3、City Bus, medium bus, heavy-duty trucks, wired or non-wired bus: between 21-50 years old; 4、Haulage Truck: between 24-50 years old; 5、 Big Passenger Bus: between 26-50 years old.
  • 身體條件Physical Condition
  • 1、身高:申請大型客車、牽引車、城市公交車、大型貨車、無軌電車準(zhǔn)駕車型的,身高為155厘米以上。申請中型客車準(zhǔn)駕車型的,身高為150厘米以上; 2、視力:申請大型客車、牽引車、城市公交車、中型客車、大型貨車、無軌電車或者有軌電車準(zhǔn)駕車型的,兩眼裸視力或者矯正視力達到對數(shù)視力表5.0以上。申請其他準(zhǔn)駕車型的,兩眼裸視力或者矯正視力達到對數(shù)視力表4.9以上; 3、辨色力:無紅綠色盲; 4、聽力:兩耳分別距音叉50厘米能辨別聲源方向; 5、上肢:雙手拇指健全,每只手其他手指必須有三指健全,肢體和手指運動功能正常; 6、下肢:運動功能正常。申請駕駛手動擋汽車,下肢不等長度不得大于5厘米。申請駕駛自動擋汽車,右下肢應(yīng)當(dāng)健全; 7、軀干、頸部:無運動功能障礙。
  • 1、Height:Big Passenger Bus, Haulage Truck, City Bus, Heavy-duty Truck, Non-wired Bus: not less than 155 cm; Medium passenger bus: not less than 150cm; 2、Eye Vision:Big Passenger Bus, Haulage Truck, City Bus, Medium Passenger Bus, Heavy-duty Truck, Wired or Non-wired Bus: naked vision or corrected vision not less than 5.0 as per the vision chart; 3、Colour vision power:no colour blindness; 4、Hearing:ability to identify sound source within 50 cm; 5、Upper Limbs:with both thumbs, at least 4 fingers of each hand in functional condition; 6、Lower Limbs:Mechanical functional . Difference between both legs shall be less than 5cm esp. for manual gear. With both legs in normal condition for auto gear; 7、Spinal & Neck:without movement trouble.


Not Applicable for the below conditions
  • 1、有器質(zhì)性心臟病、癲癇病、美尼爾氏癥、眩暈癥、癔病、震顫麻痹、精神病、癡呆以及影響肢體活動的神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)疾病等妨礙安全駕駛疾病的;
  • 2、吸食、注射毒品、長期服用依賴性精神藥品成癮尚未戒除的;
  • 3、吊銷機動車駕駛證未滿二年的;
  • 4、造成交通事故后逃逸被吊銷機動車駕駛證的;
  • 5、駕駛許可依法被撤銷未滿三年的;
  • 6、法律、行政法規(guī)規(guī)定的其他情形。

1、Structural heart disease, epilepsy, Meniere's disease, vertigo, hysteria, paralysis agitans, psychosis, dementia and physical activity affect the nervous system diseases, whichever affects safe driving; 2、Drug-user, or depending on long-term use of psychotropic drugs addiction before quitting; 3、Suspension of driving license for less than two years; 4、Losing license after escaping from traffic accident; 5、Driving License has been revoked less than 3 years; 6、Other conditions not accepted according to Law, Regulation, or etc.


Driver's license Process Location
  • 1、受理地點:車管所駕駛員考試科 沁春路179號3號門 64987070轉(zhuǎn)54280
  • 2、受理時間:周一至周五 9:00—17:00
    科目一考試時間:周一至周五 9:00—16:00
  • 3、非中文表述的境外機動車駕駛證指定翻譯服務(wù)地點:
  • a.上海外國語大學(xué)翻譯總公司:東體育會路100弄3號1樓,近大連西路,
  • b.上海市外事翻譯工作者協(xié)會:南京東路66號國旅商務(wù)樓702-4室,

1、Location: Examination Division of Traffic Department:Gate 3 of Qin Chun Road 179 Tel: 021 64987070 ext. 54280 2, 2、Timing:Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00-17:00 Exam Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00-16:00 3、Authorized Translation Agent (for translation of non-Chinese Driving License): a. Shanghai International Studies University Translation Company: 1/F, No. 3, Lane 100, iyuhui Road (East), near Dalian Road. Tel: 021 65877585 ext. 215 or 216; b. Shanghai Foreign Affairs Translators Association: Rm. 7024, No. 66 Nanjing Road (East) Tel: 021 63239181,63233988,63233608


Handling Process
  • 憑身份證明拍攝數(shù)碼照片
  • 填寫《機動車駕駛證申請表》
  • 憑身份證明進行身體檢查
  • 境外機動車駕駛證到指定的翻譯地點進行翻譯
  • 提交有關(guān)資料,到受理窗口辦理境外證換證手續(xù)
  • 預(yù)約科目一考試
  • 按時參加科目一考試
  • 申領(lǐng)大型客車、牽引車、中型客車、大型貨車準(zhǔn)駕車型機動車駕駛證的,預(yù)約科目三考試,按時參加科目三考試
  • 考試及格的,到受理窗口復(fù)核辦證手續(xù)
  • 交納相關(guān)費用,領(lǐng)取駕駛證及《機動車駕駛證申請表副表》

1、Take digital photo with Identity certificate 2、Fill in the “Driving License Application Form” 3、Body check-up with Identity certificate 4、Get foreign Driving License translated for authorized agent 5、Submit the application material 6、Schedule the examination 1 7、take participate in the examination 1 8、Schedule and take participate in the examination III for big bus, haulage truck, medium bus, heavy-duty truck ,etc 9、After passing the examination, initiate the certificate issue with relevant counter 10、get the certificate after processing the payment.


Test for a long time? Queue length? HongGang Driving Institute help you!


HongGang Driving Institute as a professional to provide foreign driver's license and an international license Chinese driver's license services, agents customers for more related matters ( which required a simple physical examination and the traffic rules in Shanghai computer exam, required the applicant to, each about 1 hours, traffic laws can get more than 90 pass ), Shanghai city can be door-to-door reservation handle.


3 Types Of Commission


Commission Agent and Tariff